New release: Innovation processes in sustainable land management

How innovation processes can be made visible and measurable

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Successful innovations for land management, a scarce resource, are urgently needed. Avoiding competing uses and dealing with this valuable resource sustainably is of utmost importance. But what does innovation even mean and how can innovation processes be made more tangible and measurable?

A new approach to making innovation processes measurable

Dr Christian Eismann provides answers to these questions in the recently published book "Innovation Processes in Sustainable Land Management". Using the example of "Innovation Groups for Sustainable Land Management", the book describes how such innovations arise and what course their development can take over the years. Christian Eismann traces how transdisciplinary teams can pave the way for social change and presents a new methodological approach to measuring innovation processes. The innovation process is mapped at different points in time using a constellation analysis, while developments over time are made visible based on several indicators.

The open access publication is the third volume published in the project led by inter 3 and funded by the BMBF programme "Innovation Groups for Sustainable Land Management":

  • Eismann, C. (2020): Innovation Trajectories in Sustainable Land Management.

The two preceding publications present stakeholders' experiences with sustainable land management and illustrate how sustainability projects can be effectively advanced using the innovation management instruments:

  • Schön, S. et. al. (2020): Transdisciplinary Innovation Management. Implementing sustainability projects effectively
  • Schön, S. (2019): Managing sustainable land use. Involving stakeholders – developing ideas - resolving conflicts