Iranian Vice Minister of Energy visits inter 3 office

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Round about four hours Vice Energy Minister Rahim Meidani and his delegation spent at the inter 3 office to receive information on the current project activities in Iran. After inter 3 managing director Dr. Shahrooz Mohajeri introduced the institute he gave an overview over the goals, challenges and current results of the IWRM Zayandeh Rud project which is funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In detail, the topics of river basin organizations, water efficiency in large industries and according to the Eco Industrial Parks Concept, agricultural transformation and DHI WASY’s modelling status quo were presented.

After that the action plan for the Roodasht region, the main product of the project called “Development of sustainable land use strategies for climate change adaptation in the lower reaches of the Zayandeh Rud River in Iran”, was presented. This project, carried out on behalf of the German Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and funded by the Ministry for the Environment (BMUB), has a strong focus on implementation. Hence, the action plan which was developed in a participatory way contains specific recommendations for action which can be implemented in Roodasht in the short, medium and long term. Vice Minister Meidani assured full support of his ministry for its implementation.

An intense discussion centered on the necessity and feasible options to transfer the projects’ results to other catchments. This included the structural requirements necessary for dissemination, transfer and future German-Iranian cooperation.