Providing targeted incentives via an external perspective
The BioeconomyREVIER Rhineland has ambitious plans. By 2035 it is to be transformed from a region heavily dependent on fossil raw materials into an exemplary future region for sustainable bioeconomy. The structural change poses great challenges, but at the same time the region can build on strengths in energy and agriculture as well as the interlinking of research and business. In 15 innovation labs, new value creation and jobs are to be generated in a cross-sectoral circular economy that includes agriculture, food and energy as well as the chemical, paper and textile industries.
Until mid-2021, inter 3 will support the coordination office at the Research Centre Jülich in the goal and impact-oriented monitoring of the fundamental transformation process in the BioeconomyREVIER. The targeted external perspectives will help to consistently align regional innovation management with innovation dynamics, to make the solutions developed in the innovation labs fruitful for structural change and to transfer useful external impulses into the region. The findings are summarised in an innovation concept that describes the central steps for the next transformation phase.
The whole picture: Unlocking and triggering innovation processes
Transformation processes towards sustainability usually require the cooperation of a multitude of different actors and institutions, all at varying levels of willingness. In order to set innovation processes in motion and keep them running, it is necessary to consider and initiate both the overall picture and the specifics, what is right in the medium and long term and what is feasible and visible in the short term. We work together to identify the best possible match between regional problems and available solutions in the bioeconomy region using start and target constellations. As part of innovation coaching, we also work with scientists in innovation labs to develop roadmaps for the deployment of their solutions. These help them to focus on the real regional needs and the strategical dissemination of their solution in the regional innovation process at an early stage.
Transformation means taking a long, hard look at things
Innovations rarely spread easily - that's why it's important to consistently stick to solutions produced in the local R&D process, while at the same time looking beyond one's own region. In close cooperation with the coordination office, inter 3 is developing a search grid for useful supraregional concepts and practices and is providing impulses for meaningful networking and transfer activities. The regional transformation constellation, project-related innovation coaching and meaningful transfer activities are summarised in an innovation concept. It outlines the next stage of structural change and lays down binding activities.