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© inter 3 GmbH


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Project overview


Discover the potential of Georgian agricultural waste with German know-how for sustainable organic products and expand…

Drainless roof

Redesigning urban spaces: Relieving drainage systems and preventing flood hazards.

Fair and resilient urban-rural relations

How do you develop fair and resilient urban-rural relationships? This is what inter 3 is investigating in the VorAb…

IWRM Zayandeh Rud - Implementation Phase

What solutions are being taken to address the impending water shortage on the Zayandeh Rud River?

Bioeconomy 4.0: Can a forest manage itself?

The example of forestry is used to examine how a debate on the bioeconomy can be conducted digitally.

Flexible Utility: Climate resilience for public service infrastructures

Can the transformation of public service infrastructures into climate-resilient systems succeed?


The re-productive city

Can the re-productive city show new development perspectives for urban spaces?

Iran-Water - Iranian water sector under the microscope

What framework conditions does the water and wastewater infrastructure in Iran offer? Is there potential for German…