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© inter 3 GmbH


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Project overview

Drainless roof

Redesigning urban spaces: Relieving drainage systems and preventing flood hazards.

Fair and resilient urban-rural relations

How do you develop fair and resilient urban-rural relationships? This is what inter 3 is investigating in the VorAb…

IWRM Zayandeh Rud - Implementation Phase

What solutions are being taken to address the impending water shortage on the Zayandeh Rud River?

Bioeconomy 4.0: Can a forest manage itself?

The example of forestry is used to examine how a debate on the bioeconomy can be conducted digitally.

Flexible Utility: Climate resilience for public service infrastructures

Can the transformation of public service infrastructures into climate-resilient systems succeed?


The re-productive city

Can the re-productive city show new development perspectives for urban spaces?

Iran-Water - Iranian water sector under the microscope

What framework conditions does the water and wastewater infrastructure in Iran offer? Is there potential for German…

Sustainable land use strategies for climate change adaptation

As part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI), inter 3 and GIZ are looking for suitable solutions.