Promote the sustainability potential of urban-rural relationships
With their ideas and practices, projects and undertakings, avant-gardists in the forestry, agriculture and energy sectors may contribute to fairer and more resilient relations between urban and rural areas. At a time when the terms "city" and "countryside" are boosted and associated with very different attitudes and practices, there is possibly a socially important potential for understanding and (re)design towards sustainability.
The project "Acting precautionary - Avant-garde approaches for bridging the urban-rural gap for a sustainable regional development." (VorAb) pursues this thesis. The Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy coordinates the network, in which the Hanseatic City of Lübeck, the Naturwaldakademie Lübeck, diversu e.V. and inter 3 Institute for Resource Management cooperate.
inter 3 is responsible for innovation management and, together with the network and other regional partners, is developing an action plan with concrete projects to be implemented in the second funding phase (years 4-5).
Transformation fields: forestry, agriculture and energy
Do sustainable management of the Lübeck city forest, initiatives of agriculture based on solidarity or regional energy cooperatives conceal approaches for a fairer and more resilient design of urban-rural relations? Taking the Lübeck region as an example, the study examines opportunities for co-determination and co-determination, nature and cultural understanding, profit and loss as well as benefit and cost distributions in the urban-rural relations.
Supporting fair and resilient relationships in the Lübeck Region
The aim is to have worked out concrete pilot projects after three years with regional agricultural, forestry and energy players from town and country, which can then be tested. To this end, inter 3 will map the potential of regional actors and thus make their relationships to one another visible and shapeable for research and practice.
Using strategies and instruments of innovation management, the transdisciplinary findings of the network are translated into concrete implementation activities. An innovation concept structures the regional and supraregional activities in the subsequent two-year implementation and transfer phase.