Learning and exchange formats for the Small Town Academy

How can the transfer of knowledge and experience be organised in an uncomplicated way?

[Translate to English:] Kleinstadt Grebenstein in Hessen, Bildquelle Thomas Max Müller  / pixelio.de
© Thomas Max Müller / pixelio.de

By small towns, with small towns and for small towns - the Small Town Academy

Almost 25 million people in Germany live in over 2100 small towns. With the Small Town Academy - the pilot phase of which is currently underway - the Federal Government is strengthening those who bear responsibility for sustainable small town development.

"By small towns, with small towns, for small towns" is the motto of the Small Town Academy, which is currently being designed by urbanizers on behalf of the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) and tested within the framework of six pilot projects. As a platform, it is intended to serve the information and exchange needs of all actors involved in developing small towns on topics relevant to the localities as comprehensively as possible. inter 3 has been commissioned to produce a special report identifying the special needs of those responsible and to design particularly suitable exchange formats and learning modules as examples.

Sharing and learning together: what is useful and practical?

In addition to screening learning and exchange formats already used in the urban development context, inter 3 will also specifically analyse new, digital formats for their suitability for the Small Town Academy. Together with the participants from the model projects, 2-3 topics and offer formats will then be selected for exemplary testing, which will take place during the pilot phase of the Small Town Academy. The aim is to provide a canon of needs-oriented and user-friendly exchange formats and learning modules for the launch of the Small Town Academy that meets the demand "by, with and for" small town actors.

Preparation of a special report “Small Town Academy - learning modules and exchange formats”


Dr. Susanne Schön, +49(0)30-34 34 74 42
Helke Wendt-Schwarzburg, +49(0)30-34 34 74 46
Safaa Mohajeri, +49(0)30-34 34 74 48


Urbanizers − Büro für städtische Konzepte




2021 - 2022