Tagungsraum mit Menschen
© inter 3 GmbH


Making science effective


Organic regional food for communal catering

The RegioVers approach focuses on public catering as a driving force for strengthening the regional added value of…

Project overview

EfficientCitizens − Citizen Science for Energy Transition

How do you get more people to take advantage of energy advice and then turn their knowledge into action?

RealWork – co working space concepts for normal employees

How can rural regions with coworking spaces become attractive places to live and work?

Establishing municipal water partnerships

inter 3 analyses the potentials for municipal water partnerships in the countires of the global south.

Learning and exchange formats for the Small Town Academy

inter 3 has been commissioned to develop learning and exchange formats for knowledge transfer at the Small Town Academy.

From brackish to irrigation water with new technologies

The HighRec project focuses on strategies to address the water shortage in the Middle East.

Digital training concepts for decentralized wastewater plants

Together with ATB WATER, inter 3 is developing a digital LEARNING HOUSE for Iranian professionals.

Storytelling as intercultural competence in Kindergartens

Modern kindergartens require modern methods of early intervention. inter 3 provides expert advice for 500 kindergartens.…

IWRM Zayandeh Rud - Implementation Phase

What solutions are being taken to address the impending water shortage on the Zayandeh Rud River?