Precautionary Economics: Transformations in Economics and Politics

New paths in economics

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Economics rethought

Plural economy and heterodox economics, critical and feminist economists – these approaches and networks have attracted increased attention not least since the financial crisis. The aim of the project is to link the 20 year old "caring economy network” (Netzwerk Vorsorgendes Wirtschaften) and its feminist-economic approach with suitable economic discourses and actors in a professional and organizational way. On behalf of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, inter 3 will pursue the issue if and to what extent such approaches and networks have transformation potential towards a more sustainable development. The survey is part of the BMBF funded project "Caring Economy. Transformations in economy and politics”. 

The economics - many voices, no consequences?

The economics as a scientific discipline is very fragmented. Different normative threads and schools of thought led in parts to antagonistic theoretical models with borders hard to cross in constructive debates. Advocates of neo-liberal models and feminist or environmental-feminist approaches are worlds apart. In fact, some economic approaches that are less ideologically gridlocked have been established within the last two decades. Nevertheless, the degree of identification with the own disciplinary sub-community, or vice versa: the need for discrimination, is comparatively strong in economics. Is it possible to open some of these networks at least partially, and work together on a more sustainable development? And how big at all is the transformation potential of these approaches and networks?

Elaborating common transformation potential at economic salons

In order to think and bring together the different approaches and networks around the Netzwerk Vorsorgendes Wirtschaften, fruitful topics and discourses are defined, and their respective transformation potential for sustainable development is charted. At two "economic salons”, which are supposed to enable an open and constructive exchange of ideas, the transformation potential of different economic approaches and networks are elaborated and potential future cooperation and agenda setting activities are discussed.

The clients of this BMBF-financed project are the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (Dr. habil. Uta von Winterfeld, coordination) and the Leuphana University of Lüneburg (Prof. Dr. Sabine Hofmeister).

Caring economy. Transformations of politics and economics (TraVo)


Dr. Susanne Schön, +49(0)30 34 34 74 52


Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie


Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, EnergieLeuphana Universität Lüneburg


2015 - 2016