Standing up to Climate Change

Creating prospects for a sustainable future in rural Iran

The German-Iranian authors report on challenges and possible solutions for climate change-adapted water and land management from the catchment of the Zayandeh Rud in Iran. After an overview of the impacts of climate change on the Middle East and North Africa, the 16 chapters focus on the Roodasht region at the lower reaches of the Zayandeh Rud in central Iran. Readers learn how increasing water scarcity there is leading to desertification, environmental degradation, loss of livelihoods, social tensions and rural exodus - and what can be done about it.


The region is exemplary for many arid regions in the world, where entire ecosystems and especially the rural population are struggling with the challenges of climate change.

Interdisciplinary teams for interdisciplinary research

The authors are international scientists, NGO staff, and government officials. The result is a useful tool for researchers and practitioners in the fields of climate change, desertification, sustainability, and land and water management.

The newly published book is the second publication on the results of the Integrated Water Resources Management Zayandeh Rud project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF).


Akquire the book

Mohajeri, S. / Horlemann, L. / Besalatpour, A. A. / Raber, W. (Hg.) (2020) Standing up to Climate Change - Creating Prospects for a Sustainable Future in Rural Iran, 374 Seiten, Springer Nature, Cham, Schweiz.

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