Tagungsraum mit Menschen
© inter 3 GmbH


Making science effective


Organic regional food for communal catering

The RegioVers approach focuses on public catering as a driving force for strengthening the regional added value of…

Project overview

RealWork – co working space concepts for normal employees

How can rural regions with coworking spaces become attractive places to live and work?

Digital training concepts for decentralized wastewater plants

Together with ATB WATER, inter 3 is developing a digital LEARNING HOUSE for Iranian professionals.

Collaborative urban development: Spreading the Migrants4Cities approach

inter 3 supports the city of Mannheim in the continuation, transfer and implementation of the Migrants4Cities approach.

Innovation Forum Operator Partnerships 4.0

How can German operators in the water sector become more involved internationally?

Culturally sensitive teaching with narrative methods

inter 3 developed strategies for new learning methods in vocational school teaching for and with people with refugee…

Ansicht Mannheimer Hafen mit Projektlogo
© Pixabay.com /CCO und TU Berlin
Welcoming Perspectives - Migrants4Cities

Together with the city of Mannheim and the TU Berlin, inter 3 explored new methods of co-creative urban development.

With qualified migrants against the shortage of skilled workers

How can highly qualified migrants be better integrated into SMEs? inter 3 has investigated this.

Securing skilled workers in rural areas

inter 3 examined the municipal scope for action and activities to secure skilled labor in six sample regions.