Tagungsraum mit Menschen
© inter 3 GmbH


Making science effective


Organic regional food for communal catering

The RegioVers approach focuses on public catering as a driving force for strengthening the regional added value of…

Project overview

Drainless roof

Redesigning urban spaces: Relieving drainage systems and preventing flood hazards.

Flood protection and management of flood disasters in Iran

inter 3 creates an overview of official responsibilities during flood disasters.

Digital training concepts for decentralized wastewater plants

Together with ATB WATER, inter 3 is developing a digital LEARNING HOUSE for Iranian professionals.

IWRM Zayandeh Rud - Implementation Phase

What solutions are being taken to address the impending water shortage on the Zayandeh Rud River?

Flexible Utility: Urban infrastructures fit for climate change

What does climate-resilient urban development look like and how can it be optimally supported by infrastructure?

Innovation Forum Operator Partnerships 4.0

How can German operators in the water sector become more involved internationally?

Avoidance of industrial microplastic emissions

inter 3 structures and compares possible optimization strategies and prepares them for industry.

Flexible Utility: Climate resilience for public service infrastructures

Can the transformation of public service infrastructures into climate-resilient systems succeed?