Self-directed or externally directed?

Municipal action between spatial planning and climate protection

Renewable energies need space. The land for them must be made available in the municipalities. In the project "W³ - Regional Energy Land Policy", instruments were developed and tested that can support municipalities in the realization of RE projects.

The brochure "Flächenscout" (land scout) provides municipal decision-makers and energy transition actors with a clear overview of possible levers and scope for a regional energy land policy. This makes a more self-directed energy transition possible.

Instruments for a regional energy area policy

  • The energy area rating allows a systematic analysis of areas regarding their suitability for solar or wind energy plants.
  • The GIS-based energy information enables an automated rating.
  • The regional prosperity radar shows possible prosperity effects of RE projects for the region - depending on the selected operator model - and helps to develop and adapt implementation concepts.
  • The regional acceptance radar helps to identify possible objections at an early stage and to avoid conflicts.

The brochure focuses on the activities of the districts of Tirschenreuth in Bavaria, Wittenberg in Saxony-Anhalt and the town of Uebigau-Wahrenbrück in Brandenburg for an expansion of renewable energies that is as transparent and environmentally compatible as possible.

In addition, recommendations for a regional energy land policy are presented, which were developed in the project. They provide guidance for the federal level, the states, regional planning agencies and municipalities on how to effectively support and advance a regional energy land policy.