Clean Air in Berlin

CompAIR project launched with workshop in Berlin

Detailansicht Fernsehturm und Bahnhof Berlin Alexanderplatz
© Rafafelina /

An online workshop marked the successful launch of EU H2020 COMPAIR’s Berlin pilot project on February 3, 2022. The workshop covered a lot of ground, addressing diverse topics in the realm of air quality and citizen science. At the beginning of the event, the project, its goals and the other involved European pilot regions were presented. The participants were then introduced to Berlin’s air pollution problem and to the significance of citizen science in measuring urban air quality. Shortly after, the focus shifted to Berlin’s two pilot projects. During this section, initial ideas, as envisioned by COMPAIR’s project partners, on the location of the pilots, the main user groups and the design of sensor technologies were illustrated. 

How will the Berlin pilot projects look in practice?

Two pilot projects are planned in Berlin: the "Liveable city environment" and the "Car-free streets" projects. Approximately 20 participants discussed suitable neighbourhoods for both pilots and shared their ideas on how air measurements could best be carried out in technical and practical terms. The workshop was moderated by Lena Horlemann from Berlin 21, who, together with her project colleagues, managed and supervised all the ideas that were shared on a virtual whiteboard.

Based on the results, the project team will soon begin fleshing out initial implementation concepts for the two pilot projects. These will be presented to and further discussed with citizens as well as representatives from the policy and science domain in a second workshop this summer. Concrete sensor technologies, data collection methods and policy demands will be evaluated in more detail this time around.

The group of participants is to be expanded again – so the project team is looking forward to further registrations for the upcoming summer workshop. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!


Project description

CompAIR – Community Observation Measurement and Participation in Air Science