Planning with climate change

Adaptation of regional planning processes to the requirements of climate change

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© Rudolpho Duba /

Adaptation of regional planning processes to the requirements of climate change

How can regional planning processes be adapted to the demands of climate change? Global climate change with its local repercussions sets great challenges to future regional planning. The joint research project, dynaklim, investigates the dynamic adaptation of regional planning and development processes to the effects of climate change. inter 3 is analysing the level of knowledge, the areas of conflict and the scope for consensus on this subject in the model region, Emscher-Lippe.

The objective of the project is the creation of two constellation analyses. "Knowledge levels and knowledge demands of institutions and involved actors” and "Consensus and Conflict Constellations” relating to climate change are investigated. The constellation analyses will identify the capabilities and needs of each involved party. The acquired information should contribute to the improvement of the regional adaptation process.

Identifying constellations - improving the basis für decision making

Both constellation analyses present empirical data on regional demands for, and gaps in knowledge as well as on consensus and conflict. The data is presented on graphical charts which bring the focus onto the relevant actors and starting points. This makes it possible for the project partners to concentrate on the most important parameters for cross-sector configuration of the adaptation process.

The outcomes flow into a knowledge map that is created for the region. The results of the investigation form the basis for improved regional governance and effective adaptation management.

Constellation analyses for the adaptation of regional planning processes to climate change (dynaklim)


Dr. Susanne Schön, +49(0)30-34 34 74 52


Wuppertal- Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie GmbH


Berlin/Emscher-Lippe-Region (Ruhrgebiet)


2009 – 2010