Participation in Integrated Water Resources Management

Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) - Integration and Implementation of Participation in IWRM Projects

© inter 3 GmbH

Participation opportunities important for successful IWRM processes

The concept of Integrated Water Resources Management for the economically, socially and ecologically balanced management of scarce water resources primarily considers - besides technological solutions - the participation of different stakeholder groups. inter 3 examines the multifaceted approaches to integration and implementation of participation in IWRM projects of the funding priority by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In addition to the analysis, inter 3 formulates action recommendations for present and future IWRM processes.

Goal: Successful implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management

In the study "participation in processes of Integrated Water Resource Management and effects on their success”, inter 3 examines in a cross-project approach which diverse participation procedures were applied, in how far each IWRM-project truly integrates its solutions for problems and which direct effects participatory procedures are having on the success of the project. The undertaking starts with the research of participation literature relevant for such cases. In a second step, the results of this literature research are being integrated into the general context of participation literature. On the basis of this state of finding, inter 3 is performing interviews with experts of the IWRM projects as well as with experts from the field of development cooperation.

Results: Action recommendations for IWRM processes

The goal of the study is to compare the findings from literature with the practical experiences in the projects. Crucial questions are:

  • Which participatory methods have been applied in praxis?
  • What influence has their implementation on the success of water resources management in the model regions?

Based on the findings of the literature research as well as on the results of the expert interviews, recommendations of action for IWRM processes are being established with regard to the role and the design of the participatory approach.

Participation in processes of Integrated Water Resources Management and effects on their success


Dr. Shahrooz Mohajeri, +49(0)30-34 34 74 40


Helmholtzzentrum für Umweltforschung (UFZ)


