Water supply strategies in Tehran

How do you manage water in arid and semi-arid regions?

© inter 3 GmbH

Possibilities for adapting successful water management strategies in Tehran

The water supply to Iran’s capital, Tehran, has always been a challenge because of its unforgiving climatic and geographic situation. Today Tehran is a metropolis with more than 10 million inhabitants with water supply problems that demand a comprehensive solution. Under the general management of p2m berlin, inter 3 is addressing rate management and water consumption management.

The main problems facing Tehran’s water supply are low water availability and poor water quality. The infrastructure measures required to solve these problems necessitate the optimisation of existing technologies as well as the introduction of new technologies and innovative management systems.

Objective: Developing sustainable design concepts - reducing water consumption

The aim of the research project is to investigate the transferability of solutions that have been successfully applied in Berlin and other capital cities to water supply in Tehran. Funding is provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). By comparing these approaches with the existing water management frameworks, especially adapted solution strategies are developed. The main aim is to reduce the current water consumption of 375 litres per inhabitant per day down to normal levels.

Approach: Holistic approach - changing sustainably

A holistic approach is taken in the project. Alongside the natural and technical prerequisites, the particular cultural, socio-economic and legal conditions in the Islamic Republic are considered. The starting point for the research project is the dual problem of water quality and water demand. The first step is to analyse the fundamental conditions and associated problems of Tehran’s water supply. Following this, the identified water management problems will be prioritised and worked through in cooperation with the Iranian partners.

Development of water management strategies for arid and semi-arid regions the example of Tehran


Tamara Nuñez von Vogt, +49(0)30-34 34 74 47


p2m berlin GmbH


p2m berlin, Berliner Wasserbetriebe


Berlin, Teheran


October 2003 - March 2007