German-Iranian Expert Workshop at the NCWW

Preparation for IWRM activities in the Zayandeh Rud catchment area

© inter 3 GmbH

Provided expertise around Integrated Water Resources Management

German-Iranian expert workshop at the National Conference on Water and Wastewater The state of the water sector in Iran is shaped by population growth, increasing urbanisation and partly dramatic water scarcity. An Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) is one of the essential requirements for the social and economic development of the country. The discussion platform on challenges for the Iranian water and wastewater sector is annually taking place in the context of the National Conference on Water and Wastewater (NCWW) in the Iranian capital Tehran. To prepare the IWRM activities in the catchment area of the Zayandeh Rud, inter 3 together with two German companies is developing a practically oriented expert workshop on "energy efficiency” and "consumption management”.

Aim: Reaching multipliers for resource-efficient water management

The expert workshop in the context of the national Iranian water conference assures the participation of decision makers and disseminators from all provinces of the country. More than 100 experts of the Iranian water sector discuss the contemporary challenges in Iran and the approaches presented by their German counterparts. The transferability to Iran is convincingly demonstrated with best practice examples.

Result: Successful Capacity Development in the field of consumption management

The accompanying as well as the follow-up evaluation of the workshop is proving the high-level acceptance and dissemination of the discussed modern practices for consumption management among the participating experts. It also provides evidence that those are being integrated into company procedures where possible. In addition, it is planned to press further ahead with the energy efficiency optimisation of water management infrastructures and plants in the continued German-Iranian cooperation. In Iran, inter 3 has established itself as one of the important international providers of education and training in all areas of modern water management. This success is due to inter 3`s practically oriented expert workshops designed according to individual needs and its excellent expertise and knowledge of the country.

Workshop National Conference on Water & Wastewater


Dr. Shahrooz Mohajeri, +49(0)30 34 34 74 40


German Water Partnership e.V


