inter 3 at the 1st Iranian-German Water Partnership Day 2015 in Tehran

In Iran’s water sector, German advanced technology is in great demand. The list of participants of the 1st Iranian…

City of the Future: German-Iranian Conference on Eco-Cities in Tehran

What can a sustainable city in Iran look like? And what can Germany contribute to its development? In the course of a…

Diversity as business chance - inter 3 signs Diversity Charta

inter 3 commits to the Charta der Vielfalt (Diversity Charta) and points the way to equal participation of all people on…

New project starts on transformation potential of the economics

Plural economy and heterodox economics, critical and feminist economists – these approaches and networks have attracted…

IWRM Zayandeh Rud on the "International Conference on Sustainable Development in Iran" in Berlin

inter 3 colleague Wolf Raber presents project results on the “2nd International Conference on Advanced Science and…

Shaping sustainable land use in Iran on behalf of GIZ

As of September 2015, a German-Iranian inter 3 team develops sustainable land use concepts and management strategies for…

“Water and Energy“: Iranian delegation looks into German approaches for sustainable water and energy use and supply

A high-ranking Iranian delegation visited several German cities and companies from August 8 to 13, 2015, and looked into…

Tehran’s Water and Wastewater Company discusses options for decentralized wastewater treatment

How can decentralized wastewater treatment be organized and implemented in Iran? On a workshop on August 2nd and 3rd,…

inter 3 presentation at EXPOVAL status seminar 2015: How to bring German wastewater technology to Middle Eastern markets?

What are the marketing opportunities of German wastewater technologies in foreign countries? Which framework conditions…

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